Foie Gras & Pates
When customers visit the Boutique they often ask for our assistance in selecting the right foie gras for their table. 100% Whole Duck Foie Gras with Armagnac/Mi-cuit is made of whole or slice of a liver cooked with spices and wine and finished with a dash of Armagnac. This product has decadent marbled appearance. The 100% Duck Foie Gras is an emulsion or whipped foie gras that is uniform in consistency and appearance. Although both items are 100% foie gras, the Mi-cuit offers a dense, rich in consistence foie gras ideal for slicing while the 100% foie gras will be a uniform spread of 100% foie gras.
"My idea of heaven is eating pates de foie gras to the sound of trumpets." - Sydney Smith