First, you’ll need the caviar. Gourmet Boutique sells both domestic and imported varieties, with our imported varieties being the most popular. Our domestic caviars range in price from $4.99 to $69.99, and are friendly for every budget. The imported caviars are a bit more high-end, ranging in price from $79.99 to $139.99. The caviar you buy is unique and delicious regardless of your budget, whether you buy the domestic salmon roe for $4.99 or the imported kaluga for $139.99.
Second comes the alcohol. We suggest vodka, champagne, Riesling wine, or Moscato di Asti if the caviar is being served as the last course before dessert. Vodka is the most classic pairing with caviar, but each of the alcohols named before pair well with the delicate flavors of caviar. If you don’t drink, the caviar will be just as good without the alcohol!
Next are the accompaniments. We recommend serving your caviar with blinis and crème fraîche, and we carry both in the store! The blinis are small and thin savory pancakes that are traditionally topped with crème fraîche, which is similar to sour cream but with less of a sour taste. If you don’t have blinis, seeded crackers or rye bread are good substitutes. Other traditional accompaniments are chopped pieces of hard-boiled egg, dill, lemon, chives, chopped red onion, and capers. If you’re serving foie gras as well, we recommend serving that on crispy toasts, which we also carry in the store!
Remember to avoid using metal utensils when serving caviar; mother of pearl is best, but plastic is great too! Enjoy your caviar feast, and have a happy new year.
What Makes a Perfect Caviar Feast?
December 30, 2016