Since Vosges broke down the doors for widespread appreciation of exotic artisanal chocolate bars, many companies have grown in the chocolate friendly environment. A relatively new addition to our collection are chocolates from Alcove.
Alcove is relatively new to the packaged chocolate industry, but has been a Cafe and Bakery in California for nearly a decade. With a history of baked cakes and breads behind them, they've applied their unique perspective to their chocolate bars; each flavor designed with a bakery's zeal.
The Red Velvet Cupcake on this package beckoned to me the moment I saw it. I've had more than my fair share of Red Velvet truffles, cake, and frozen yogurt. Red Velvet is a major favorite of mine, and seems to be skyrocketing into popularity.
Customers have asked how a "chocolate bar" could be "red velvet" flavored, since Red Velvet is ostensibly chocolate flavored. Alcove is uniquely positioned to create a true Red Velvet Cupcake bar; without a background in baking, I don't think a chocolatier would be able to properly capture the essence of Le Cupcake Rogue.
To begin with, the chocolate is infused with cupcake batter, which gives it a warm just baked flavor that is a little salty, but not overly sweet. The texture of the chocolate is thick and moist, melting quickly in the mouth. The last magic to the bar is its embedded crystals of cream cheese frosting. A signature sweet burst, that completes the chocolate in a surprising and satisfying combination.
Fleur de Pretzel Bar
Chocolate covered pretzels have long been a staple snack, the combination of salty and sweet combines to create a earthy chocolate hit that is more than the sum of its parts.
Using their baking background, Alcove takes pretzels and chocolate to the next level. Pretzels are ground into fine pieces and stirred into the chocolate with a fair amount of sea salt. The result is a bar that melts instantly in the mouth, and is reminiscent of the last few bites of a chocolate pie with the sweet and salty crust. There is a diversity of flavor, but it combines into a singular wonderful taste.
Alcove unique perspective is definitely worth checking out, and the quality of the chocolate will have you coming back for more, proof that not all "Baker's" Chocolate is bitter.